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How giving your time gives back

How giving your time gives back

Jenna, a young woman with tied-back blonde hair stands on a snowy mountain. She wears a jacket and jeans, with a leather bag strap and is smiling.
“It’s a great community of people to work with, and for a great cause.”

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to become wrapped up in personal commitments and professional demands. However, carving out time to volunteer can not only contribute positively to your community but also enrich your own life in countless ways.

Today we share Jenna’s story, who explains why volunteering with Manaaki Tāngata | Victim Support isn’t just about giving back, it’s about growing, learning, and connecting in ways that enhance the lives of both our volunteers and the victims.

Finding purpose through volunteering

Like many of us, Jenna was looking for a way to make a meaningful impact in her community. With a history of volunteering overseas on a crisis line, she brought her passion for helping others back to local shores.

Jenna, recent volunteer with Manaaki Tāngata | Victim Support.

“I was looking for volunteer work to support people locally and in a more direct way,” Jenna recalls.

Her search led her to Victim Support, drawn by our kaupapa of supporting victims of crime, suicide and traumatic events.

The power of presence

In her time volunteering with us, Jenna has recognised the value of communication. “Volunteering has been a great way to understand how to confidently provide support and adapt based on the other person’s needs.”

In learning these skills, Jenna has honed her ability to listen, empathise and empower vulnerable people.

Jenna recalls supporting a person who felt isolated and unable to share their grief with family. “Being the person they felt safe talking with and providing an outlet for those feelings was really memorable.”

During such times, Jenna has found that connecting with her clients has impacted her own perspective.

“I’m absolutely inspired by people’s outlook on life events,” she continues. “This person has experienced something incredibly traumatic and was discussing how they are taking it as a growth opportunity for themselves to be open with people about what they are going through.”

“That really stuck with me.”

Giving back while gaining skills

Jenna is currently a student studying Psychology, aspiring to be a clinical psychologist. Not only is volunteering at Victim Support a way for her to tangibly help people, but it’s also given her the chance to learn more about her study field and get an edge for future work opportunities.

“The skills that you develop with Victim Support would be helpful in so many different careers,” Jenna says.

“Not only is it great for the people you support, but it also provides great experience and opportunities for workers.”

Community connection

Jenna is quick to point out the dual benefits of volunteering. The camaraderie and support within Victim Support has made all the difference.

“Everyone is very supportive and appreciative of your time,” she notes.

At Victim Support, we are grateful for the people that choose to commit their time to helping victims. Finding time for volunteering around a busy schedule can be challenging.

Jenna appreciates the flexibility of her volunteer role. “You’re able to organise and schedule your own calls through a provided work phone to fit within your other commitments.”

“The team is also very aware that lives get busy,and so scale the number of people you are supporting based on that,” Jenna shares. “It’s a great community of people to work with, and for a great cause.”

Your call to make a difference

When asked what she might say to someone who was considering volunteering, Jenna answers: “There is really no downside to applying and giving it a go.”

Volunteering with Victim Support means you get to give back to your community and help vulnerable people all while learning critical new skills in a supportive environment.

We need your help to reach more victims of crime,suicide and traumatic events. No one should have to cope alone.

Take your first step towards making a lasting impact in someone’s life when they need it most.

Do good in the dark times and apply today:

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